Client: Garden Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetics / Garden OBGYN. Contract Title/Duration: Social Media Marketing Manager, August 1, 2022 - December 1, 2022.
Objective: To design and create digital content, (social media, google ads, email promo blasts), for two large medical practices,(Garden Plastics + Garden OBGYN), with 10 locations across Long Island + NYC. I designed, created and executed a digital marketing strategy to increase the brand’s visibility, and drive traffic to the main websites for both practices therefore increasing revenue.
Accounts Reached +3,838% 7 days, +232% Aug.-Sept., +257% Sept.-Oct. (PLASTICS) / Accounts Engaged +1,300% 7 days, +294% Aug.-Sept., +295% Sept.-Oct. (PLASTICS) / Accounts Reached (non-followers) +4,266% (PLASTICS) / Content Interactions Overview +2,575% (PLASTICS) / Post Engagement +1,275% (PLASTICS) / New Followers Aug.-Sept. +1.6%, Sept.-Oct. +1% (PLASTICS) / Accounts Reached +135% 7 days, + 55% Aug.-Sept., +257% Sept.- Oct., 30 days (OBGYN) / Accounts Engaged +1,800% 7 days, +123% Aug.-Sept. +295% Sept.-Oct., 30 days (OBGYN) (All analytics are for 30 day intervals + 7 day intervals.)