The Alice Collection
“unfinished piece” (2020-). ©2021 Emily Elizabeth Bowers

1 / "y-incision cow skull," (2011) ©2021 Emily Elizabeth Bowers
2 / "the man being hung by his brain," (2011) ©2021 Emily Elizabeth Bowers
3 / "the owl with the human heart," (2012) ©2021 Emily Elizabeth Bowers
4 / "couple in memory only" (2017) ©2021 Emily Elizabeth Bowers
5 / "a murder of crows," (2018) ©2021 Emily Elizabeth Bowers
6 / "girls and their lungs," (2019) ©2021 Emily Elizabeth Bowers

The Alice Collection: PROCESS
“a murder of crows”, time-lapse video of the process. ©2021 Emily Elizabeth Bowers
“girls and their lungs”, time-lapse video of the process. ©2021 Emily Elizabeth Bowers
The Alice Collection in “floating” acrylic frames for exhibition. ©2021 Emily Elizabeth Bowers